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Camp Wonderland

CAMP WONDERLAND came into being after seeing the power of musical theatre in special needs young people.  Those with ASD come alive through the arts!

CAMP WONDERLAND goes beyond teaching participants to sing, speak or dance. The camp nurtures creativity, provides a sense of accomplishment, develops friendships,  and is fun!

CAMP WONDERLAND is led by a team of ASD specialists, special education teachers, administrative leaders and trained,  one to one volunteer “buddies”.

Discover creativity, growth and joy!

Camp Wonderland is a summer arts camp tailored specifically to the unique interests and needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder between the ages of 7-21. The program is led by a team of artists, administrators, special education teachers, and an Autism Disorder Specialist dedicated to creating a safe, welcoming and comfortable environment for children affected by autism. The camp will offer an enriching theater experience through music, movement, art, and drama, that encourages self-expression, social-engagement, creative exploration, and above all, fun! This year, we are honored to be sponsored by the Augusta Developmental Specialists. We believe that children should have the opportunity to experience live theater and performance. It is important to us to give these kids an outlet of expression on their terms, allowing them to explore their gifts, meet friends, and ultimately, have a great time!

Young people ages 7-21 who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder are invited to join the fun.


Certain criteria might disqualify a child from fully benefiting from our programming, or pose a danger to themselves or other campers. 

  • IQ between 75-80 and below. 
  • Physical aggression or self-injurious behavior 
  • Conduct Disorder 
  • Sexually acting out/inappropriate sexual behaviors 
  • Elopement 

Functioning Level: 

Able to participate in group activities that require simple conversation skills, follow verbal directions, and participate in simple discussions at an age appropriate level.